Best Fruit Trees to Plant in North Texas

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What are the best fruit trees to plant in North Texas? Are there fruit trees that will withstand the climate here?

As a resident of North Texas, you know the challenges of gardening in this region. Hot summers, unpredictable rainfall, and variable soil conditions can make growing plants a daunting task.

However, with the right knowledge and selection, fruit trees will thrive in North Texas. In this article, we will explore the best fruit trees to plant in this region. We will focus on their growing habits, climate suitability, and other relevant factors.

Peach Trees

Peach trees are a great option for North Texas gardeners due to their relative hardiness and adaptability to the region’s climate. Peaches thrive in full sun and well-drained soil – two characteristics that are in abundance in North Texas.

They also require a certain degree of winter chill, which is typically met in this region. Peaches come in several varieties, such as the freestone “Elberta” or the yellow-fleshed “Galahad,” each with its unique taste and texture.

peach tree blooming
Blooming flowers on a peach tree.

Fig Trees

Figs are another popular fruit tree for North Texas gardeners. Figs can tolerate a range of soil types and are particularly suited to hotter regions, making them an ideal choice for North Texas.

They are also relatively pest-resistant, adding to their overall low maintenance requirements. Popular varieties of fig trees include “Brown Turkey” and “Celeste,” which produce sweet and flavorful fruit.

Consider planting some seasonal flowers and plants alongside your new fruit tree to really make the area pop.

fig tree
Baby fig tree fruits.

Pecan Trees

Pecan trees are native to Texas, making them an excellent choice for a fruit tree. They thrive in full sun, deep soil, and are relatively drought tolerant. However, pecan trees come in two varieties – self-pollinating or cross-pollinating.

If choosing a cross-pollinating variety like “Stuart” or “Desirable,” ensure you have another cultivar nearby for optimal pollination.

Want to trim a tree that you already have? Check out our tree and shrub trimming service page for details.

pecan nut on tree
Ripening pecan nut on tree.

Apple Trees

While not as widely planted as peaches or figs, apple trees can still thrive in North Texas under the right conditions. Apples prefer well-drained soil and full sun, and while they require a certain degree of chill hours, some cultivars are well-suited to the region.

If planting apple trees in North Texas, consider choosing varieties such as “Gala,” “Fuji,” or “Pink Lady,” which have lower chill requirements and can still produce high-quality fruit.

Plant an apple tree in North Texas.

Plum Trees

Plum trees are a popular choice for North Texas gardeners as they can grow well in a variety of soils and are not as drought-sensitive as some other fruit trees.

Plum trees require full sun and well-drained soil, and cultivars such as “Santa Rosa” and “Methley” have found success in North Texas.

However, plum trees require vigilant pest and disease management, making them a higher maintenance fruit tree option.

Need help deciding where to plant a fruit tree in your outdoor space? Contact us today to discuss landscaping design and installation.

plum tree
Plum tree full with fruit.


Choosing the right fruit trees for North Texas can make all the difference in growing a bountiful and healthy crop. By considering factors such as climate suitability, soil requirements, and growing habits, gardeners can select the best options for their outdoor space.

Whether it’s peaches, figs, pecans, apples, or plums, there is something for everyone looking to add fruit trees to their garden in North Texas. With proper care and attention, these trees will continue to provide delicious and nutritious fruit for years to come.

best fruit trees to plant and grow in north texas

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